
Who Lives in Times Square?

According to the Times Square District Management Association, Inc., the Times Square area is not only home to theaters and retailers, but residents, too, many of whom live in the historic mixed-use buildings.

  • 33,360 households 
  • 71% under 50 years old 
  • Median income of $75, 000 for residents between 25 and 34 years old 
  • 70% employed in creative occupations (arts, media, publishing, etc.) 
  • 58% college educated
When I think of Times Square, I think of businesses and tourists. Residents of Times Square must ensure their perspective is included with business owners as the area becomes increasingly vital to the municipal economy.
Source:  Times Square Alliance


    1. do hotels and restaurant have any signification in the area

    2. Expand your question by using the basic research sentence: I am studying "who lives in Times Square?" in order to learn HOW and WHY [fill-in-the-blank] so the I can better understand [fill-in-the-blank].
